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Community life
“How good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!”
(Statutes 15.15; cf. Ps 133:1)
“The grace of the Holy Spirit gathers solitaries together to form a communion in ......love.”
(Statutes 21.1)
“We express this love for one another, in saying and showing our joy to be with our brothers and in willingly forgetting ourselves for ...them." (Statutes 22.1)
A Carthusian community is a communion of solitaries. They form one family composed of Fathers (cloister monks) and Brothers (converse and donate monks). All lead a solitary life and share in the same liturgical prayer. The Fathers spend the whole day in cell, and are priests, or destined to be priests; the Brothers dedicate 4 to 5 hours a day to manual work out of their cells: cooking, gardening, maintenance of the monastery, etc.
St Bruno was a man of great sensitivity, goodness and compassion. Fraternal life is an essential aspect of the Carthusian vocation. We are called to intimacy with God in solitude, and this call is lived together with brothers, with whom we seek to be of one heart and soul.
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24 June 2021
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